- Highlighting the New Advancements in Rhinitis Medicamentosa: A Review Article
Mohammed Alwabili, Sultan Alanazy
- Cardiopulmonary Efficacy of a Single Dose of Sildenafil in Patients with Chronic Heart Failure
Osama Saad Arafa, Hesham Mohamed Abo Elenein, Neima Ali El Melegy, Hesham Drwesh, Ahmed Mohamed El Saied
- A Perquisite for Atonic Post-Partum Hemorrhage - Uterovaginal Packing: A Clinical Study
Komal Rathore, Rehana Najam, Astha Lalwani, Rajul Rastogi
- Effect of Fixed Orthodontic Appliances on Subgingival Plaque Microbiota
Naser Sargolzaie, Saeed Amel-Jamedar, Soodabe Piroozi, Nava Naghibi
- Prevalence of Leukemia in Ajmer Region
Priya Jangid, Tushar Bayla, Geeta Pachori, Ravikant Sunaria, Mahendra Kumar Jangid
- Development and Introduction of Module on Medical Ethics in Patient Care To 2nd Professional MBBS Students
Gurleen Kaur, Jaspreet Singh, Karanpreet Bhutani, Naresh Jyoti Delmotra, Adish Goyal
- Prevalence and Clinical Predictors of Heparin Induced Thrombocytopenia
Ahmed Abd-El Moneim, El Sayed Abd El Khalik, Neama Eli El Meleegy, Mohamed Abdou Salem, Walid Abdalla Mesallam, Hesham Drwesh
- Comparison Between the Efficacy of Acetaminophen and Ibuprofen for Relieving Orthodontic Pain
Mohit Chaturvedi, Neha Chaturvedi
- Risk Factors of Household Chemical Unintentional Poisoning Among Children (0-4) Years Old Reported at the Public Health Administration In Jeddah, Saudi Arabia From 2014 to 2016: A Case-Control Study
Ahlam Hamid Natto, Iman Wahby, A.P. Adel Ibrahim
- Prevalence of Iron Deficiency Anemia among Cobblers of Known Population: A Cross-Sectional Study
Mohammed Bayazuddin, Harvir Singh Sodhi
- A Comparative Study on Wound Management by Vacuum Assisted Closure With Low Cost Negative Pressure Wound Therapy and Conventional Moist Wound Dressing
Dibakar Sarkar, Syed Anwaruzzaman, Ziaul Haq, Jannatul Nayeem, Md. Ashraful Hoque
- Blood Donation and Adverse Events: A Retrospective Study
Stuti Jain, Himanshu Joshi, Shyamoli Dutta
- Changing Resistance Pattern and Emerging Salmonella Paratyphi A Enteric Fever – New Challenges and New Trends: A Study from Tertiary Care Medical College and Hospital in North India
Rana Aditya, Chaudhary Anuradha, Gupta Veeteeanveshna, Tamrakar Meenakshi
- Comparative Hemodynamic Efficacy of Intubating LMA Fastrach and Ambu Aura –I as a Conduit for Intubation during General Anaesthesia In Adult: A Randomized, Clinical Study
Navya Mishra
- Assessment of Post-Operative Hearing Loss after Middle Ear Surgery: A Prospective Study
Neha Deol, Balvinder Singh
- Functional Assessment: Speech and Swallowing Outcomes after Free Radial Forearm Reconstruction for Hemiglossectomy Defects
Vardan Maheshwari, Quresh Bambora, Vimal Mittal, Monika Bhardwaj
- Role of Intrapartum Transcervical Amnioinfusion in Meconium Stained Liquor
Smita Kumari, Sadia Parween, Archana Sinha
- Prognostic Value of Elevated Biomarkers in Diabetic and Non Diabetic Patients Admitted for Acute Coronary Syndromes
Heba Abd El Kader, Tarek Helmy Abo El Azm, Neima Ali El Melegy, Hesham Drwesh
- Microbiological Profile of Air and Surface Contamination in Operation Theatres and Intensive Care Units of a Teaching Hospital in Rural North India
TamrakarMeenakshi, ChaudharyAnuradha, RanaAditya, Gupta Veetheeanveshna, JaryalSubhash Chand, SoodAnuradha
- Physical Activity Among Family Medicine Trainees in Makkah Almukarramah City, Saudi Arabia
Afnan Ageel
- Histopathological Spectrum of Urinary Bladder Biopsies
Somya Agarwal, Shyamoli Dutta, Seema Awasthi, Ashutosh Kumar, Deepti Arora
- Association Between Middle Ear Infection and Dental Caries Amongst Children: A Hospital Based Study
Rahul Kumar Singh, Neerav Dutta, Jitendar Kumar, Tanya, Meenal Mathur Singh, Vijayendra Pandey
- A Study on Comparison between WHO Protocol and Locally Adapted Dietary Protocol in the Management of Nutritional Marasmus At Hospitals in Bangladesh
KhondkerQamruzzaman, M. EkhlasurRhaman, FauziaNasreen, \r\nNadiraDilrubaHoque, MdNazmulKarim\r\n
- Menstrual Pattern and Menstrual Problems among Female Students in King Khalid University, Abha City, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Roqaya Ali Al Amri
- Comparison of Oral Ivabradine, Oral Metoprolol and Placebo to Attenuate the Stress Response in Nasal and Laryngeal Surgeries: A Prospective, Randomized, Double Blind Study
Vijay Mathur, Ankit Godara, Durga Jethawa, S.P Sharma, Kalpana Verma
- A Cross-Sectional Study to Assess the Effect of Epidemiological Determinants on Prevalence of Anaemia among the Adolescent and Reproductive Age Females Residing at Rural Bikaner
RekhaAcharya, Virender Pal Singh, Gaurav Sharma, RenuSethia, AbhishekKawatra, KirtiShekhawat
- Comparative Diagnostic Test Accuracy of Multiparametric MRI versus CT Scan in Emergency Assessment of Patients with Suspected Acute Stroke
Abdullah Asiri, Ahmad AlWohaibi, JomahAlfariji
- A Comparative Analysis of Rapid Immunochromatographic Card Test with MAC –ELISA Used in Detection of Dengue at a Tertiary Care Hospital in Jamshedpur, Jharkhand
Sahay S, Biswas S, Chouhan R
- A Study on Occlusal Disharmony on Masticatory Muscle Pain
Muhammad WalyAhad, KhurshidaTanzir, Alia Sultana, Rubaba Ahmed
- Serum Uric Acid Level in Relation to Severity of Preeclampsia
FarzanaBanu, Md. ZiaulKarim, SelinaAkhter, NasrinHossain, KaziMobinaAkhtar
- Incidence of Atrial Fibrillation (AF) in Patients of Acute Coronary Syndrome
M. M. AbdusShamim, M. E. Haque, Md Abdul Latif Khan, Md. Amirul Islam Khan, Muhammad AshraulKabir, Abduallah- Al-Faroque
- The Incidence of Myocardial Infarction in Diabetes Mellitus
M. E. Haque, M. M. AbdusShamim, Abduallah- Al-Faroque, Nazrul Islam, SufiaRahman, AshrafulKabir
- A Prospective Study to Appearances of Ossification Centers in the Carpal Bones in Girls of Age Group 5 Years to 12 Years in Western Rajasthan Jodhpur Region
RamratanBishnoi, MahaveerChoyal
- The Incidence In Rheumatic Fever in Age 5-15 Age Group Bangladesh
M. E. Haque, M. M. AbdusShamim, Abduallah- Al-Faroque, Nazrul Islam, SufiaRahman, AshrafulKabir
- A Comparative Analysis of Different Phenotypic Methods Used in \r\nDetection of Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus\r\n
NitikaDhuria, NitinNagpal, ShilpaArora
- Assessment of Complications of Spinal Anesthesia in Patients Undergoing C- Section
RakeshRaushan, Hirday Kumar, AdityaPrakash, Niraj
- Comparative Efficacy of Terbinafine and Itraconazole on Fluconazole Resistant Tinea Corporis and Tinea Cruris Handling
Dr. Mohammad Wahiduzzaman, Prof. M MujibulHoque, Dr. Razia Sultana, Prof. Mohammad Anwar Husain, Dr. KanakJyotiMondal
- A Study on Obstetric Outcome of Postdated Pregnancy among Private Hospital Patients in Sylhet
FahimAraKhanom Jenny, IffanaAzam, LubnaYeasmin, NaimaAkhter, FarzanaKhaledaAlin, MurshidaAfrozLubna, TofsiaZamanChy, HasinaYasmin
- Bacteriological Profile and Antibiogram of Bloodstream Infection in a Tertiary Care Hospital, India
Ashok Kumar Sharma, SwetaKumari, Manoj Kumar, Amber Prasad
- Rate and Predictors of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus Poor Glycemic Control In Tabuk
Ahmad Raja SaeedAlbalawi, AwadhsaeedAlQahtani, ManeeNaserAlhablani, Tariq Mohammed Shagran, Asma Ali Mohammed Alharbi, Mohammed Ahmed M Alenazi, HossamEid, Hassan AbdulrahmanBahidan
- Laparoscopy: As A Gold Standard for Women Infertility Evaluation In Bangladesh
Poly Begum, Dipti Rani Saha
- To Assess the Safety and Efficacy of Misoprostol Administered Sublingually For Induction of Labour in Patient with PROM with Poor Bishop’s Score
Sushma Singh Rathore, Monika Parmar
- Outcome of Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion (TLIF) For Spondylolisthesis of Lumbar Spine
Mohammad Nuruzzaman Khan, Md. Abu Sayed, Sabrina Shafiq, SaumitraSarkar
- Anemia and Iron Deficiency among Children and Their Association with Feeding Status That s Effects on Weight and Height in the Southern Part of Bangladesh
Md. ShamsurRahman, NiharRanjanSarker, Mohammad Abdul Hye, TarunKanti Das, Prof. KhanGolamMostafa, Shuperna Ahmed
- Rupture Ectopic Pregnancy in Early Gestation Due to Mifepristone & Misoprostol Abuse
Sabina Parveen, Md. Mahmudur Rahman\r\n, Begum Shamsun Naher Shirin, Mahbubur Rahman
- Role of Midazolam in Reducing Anxiety after Premedication inClinical Practice at 250 Bed (Medical College) Hospital, Patuakhali, Bangladesh
Hossain Ahmed, Nazmul Ahsan Siddiqi Rubel, Habibur Rahman
- Study on Impact of Obesity on Lung Volumes in Elderly Population
DevKishanDevra, SoniyaPipliwal, BhartiMaan, Nishanta, Usha Rani, PurnimaRathore
- Transvesical Prostatectomy Versus Transurethral Resection ofProstate For Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia More Than 100 Gms: A Randomized Control Trial
Mukesh Chandra Arya, Yogendra, Abhiyutthan Singh Jadaon, Bheru Singh Hariyawat, VivekVasudeo, Ajay Gandhi, AnkurSinghal
- Assessment of Breast Feeding Practices and Problems among Known Population of Postnatal Mothers: An Hospital Based Study
MKheta Ram Soni, SawaiKhatri
- Fourniers Gangrene: A Study in Our Clinical Practice
B. S. Garhwal, JyotiGarhwal, KapilDevChahar, PoojaGarhwal
- A Prospective Clinical Study to Evaluate the Ocular Findings in Patients with Head Injury
Aditya Singh Rathore, Mahesh Agarwal, Jaya Devendra,Vandan, Shamsher Singh, ShreyaBhargava
- A Study on Sequential Effects of IntrathecalXylocaine and Midazolam for Post-Operative Analgesia in Lower Segment Cesarean Section
ABhaidasOnkarPatil, Mahesh Ahir, RanjanMathur, JitendraAcharya
- Comparative Evaluation of Various Treatment Modalities in Treating Diarrhoea Patients at a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital
Rajiv Tayal, Arun Kumar Anuragi, VinodKapoor
- A Prospective Study on Prevalence and Percentage of Undiagnosed Type 2 Diabetics Patients Undergoing Elective Surgery
Mohammed Ashraf Khan
- Menstrual Disorders in Case of Thyroid Dysfunction: A Hospital Based Study
PoojaGahlot, AlokGahlot
- Assessment of Complications and Haemodynamic Stability with the Use of Dexmedetomidine with Bupivacaine: An Institutional Based Study
Jai Prakash Tak, Ajai Kumar, Vidhi Chandra,Mrinal Kamal
- Microbiological Evaluation of Otitis Media: An Institutional Based Study
Manish Bansal, Ashok Kumar Yadav, Shivani Rawat, Priyanka Patni
- Analysis of Role of Caudal Epidural Steroid Injection in Chronic Low Back Ache Patients at a Tertiary Care Hospital
Sumit Beniwal
- Comparative Evaluation of Efficacy of Oral Prednisolone with or without Propranolol in Treating Infantile Hemangioma Cases: A Clinical Institutional Based Study
Pawan Kumar, Virendra Yadav
- Analysis of Prevalence and Prognosis in Bell’s Palsy
Mahendra Singh Sisodiya, Kiran Bareth
- Addition of Methylprednisolone to Local Anaesthetics in Brachial Plexus Block (Supraclavicular Approach): A Randomised Double Blind Study
Sunit Kumar Gupta, Nidhima Aggarwal, Sumit Soni, Mussavvir Agha
- Study of Prevalence of Pulmonary Artery Hypertension in Portal Hypertensives Patients in RIMS, Ranchi
Prakash Kumar, Maya
- The Effect of Topical 0.05% Cyclosporine on Prevention of Recurrence of Pterygium Following Pterygium Surgery
Rahul Prasad, Marianus Deepak Lakra, Shiril Sandeep Sawaiyan, Antabha Bandyopadhyay
- To Assess Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome Among Adults at a Tertiary Care Hospital
Gajendra Singh
- To Assess the Functional Outcome After V-Y Flap in Fingertip Injuries: An Institutional Based Study
Moolchand Prajapat, Suyash Singodiya
- Correlation of Subjective and Objective Findings of Bladder Outlet Obstruction with Those of Ultrasound Cystodynamogram at a Tertiary Care Hospital
Abhay Singhal, Abhishek Sharma
- Analysis of Lesions of Nasal Cavity and Para Nasal Sinuses at a Tertiary Care Hospital: A Histopathological Study
Amulya Singh, Neelam Harit
- Analysis of Prevalence of Neonatal Jaundice Among Young Children in a Tertiary Hospital in India
Prasant Kumar Saboth
- Comparative Evaluation of Cetirizine and Ebastine in Perennial Allergic Rhinitis: An Institutional Based Study
Mukundkumar Vaghela
- A Retrospective Evaluation of Safety of Anesthesia During Thyroidectomy In Biochemically Hyperthyroid Individuals at a Tertiary Care Centre
Prathibha Vidya Sagar, Sravanthi Parusha
- Analysis of Role of Intralesional Triamcinolone Acetonide for Patients of Alopecia Areata: An Institutional Based Study
Pendyala Pradeep, Namratha Damera
- Analysis of Clinical Profile of Patients of Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis At a Tertiary Care Hospital
Sudhaker B, Sivananda Reddy B
- Evaluation of Maternal Mean Platelet Volume for Prediction of Preeclampsia
Sweety Nuwal, Chetan M. Savani, Brinderjeet Kaur, Ekta Thadani